FX Networks
Assignment ︎ Leverage FX's incredible roster of shows to drive social engagement using polls, GIFs, and trending hashtags.

I handled various social media channels for shows on FX Networks, each with their own distinct audiences and tones of voice:

Assignment ︎ Launch social media content series for product features such as the Supercharge 50% rewards program and our carbon-negative blockchain.

W+K: The Community Spirit Vodka
Assignment ︎ Develop a social presence for a Vodka brand that donates its times, tools, and talent to the hospitality community.

MacLeod Ale Brewing Co.
Assignment ︎ Build a brand voice for a cask ale brewery in Los Angeles that is light, cultured, and crafty, just like their ale.

Bloomberg’s 2020 Presidential Campaign
Assignment ︎ Quickly turn around action-oriented content in response to current events.